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Monday, March 7, 2011

Breakthrough in Prenatal Diagnosis

FYI: Down Syndrome is caused by 3 copies of chromosome 21 as opposed to 2 copies. It results in altered facial features and intellectual problems. It may also result in heart problems. 

For about 100 years, doctors have been able to determine whether a baby will have down syndrome by undergoing a choice of two procedures. Currently, these procedures are: Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). The first takes a sample from the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby by inserting a needle through the uterus at about 15 weeks into the pregnancy. The latter is done at about 11 weeks into the pregnancy and retrieves a piece of the placenta by poking a needle through the cervix. While these tests are fairly accurate, 1% of women that choose to take this test will have a miscarriage. This is why only 10% of pregnant women take these tests. But now, thanks to advances in science, doctors believe they have an alternative to CVS and amniocentesis that will NOT come with any possibility of a miscarriage.  This new alternative will be cheaper and less invasive; it just involves a simple blood test that can be taken early on. With further studies, this process could possibly be implemented  into practice about 2 years. Now, I am enthralled that the avoidance of a miscarriage will allow more babies to be born. The emotional devastation and loss of a life must be unbearable and parents should not be punished by simply taking a test to find out more about their baby.  While prenatal diagnosis is a controversial issue(90% of women will abort if they find out their baby is affected), I believe the testing is a good idea. People affected with down syndromes are not self-sufficient and are prone to: heart problems, sleep apnea, obesity, dementia, diseases in general, and leukemia. I acknowledge the fact that many down syndrome kids may thrive, sometimes, parents will choose abortion. The baggage that comes that comes with caring for such a child is unimaginable; the time, effort, and money will sometimes be too overwhelming for a parent. The problems that down syndrome people have to go through simply might be too painful for the parents to put their children through. Also, knowing whether your baby has down syndrome can help you prepare to care for your child. I am no medical expert, but prenatal diagnosis is good in my eyes. Your thoughts?


    Family Doctor. "Prenatal Diagnosis: Amniocentesis and CVS." Family Doctor . N.p., Aug. 2010. Web. 7 Mar. 2011.


  1. Interesting blog post, especially since we just learned about how babies developed in science class. I agree that this new test will be extremely helpful, because of the pain that both the parents and the baby will have to go through if he/she has some disease. However, I was wondering: how will taking one of the two original tests result in a miscarriage? Does inserting a needle into the uterus somehow harm the baby? Great job; this new test will probably save many babies in the future. :)

  2. Great job!

    This new test is a great step forward. It will save some lives and the parents deserve to know if their children are going to have down syndrome without the test having any dangers.

    Whether the mother chooses to have an abortion or not, it does no harm to know ahead of time if your baby has Down Syndrome.

    A question: How many weeks into pregnancy can this test be taken?

    Overall, awesome blog post! I like how you added your own commentary on the matter.
